Meditation Story

How Can I Make My Brain Sharper, Smarter, and Faster?

Erin A
According to the National Science Foundation, people have around 60,000 thoughts per day. About 80% of these thoughts are negative, and 95% are the same as the day before.
With so many thoughts running through our minds, it’s easy to lose focus. Think about it this way: if your room is messy and cluttered, it’s hard to manage. But when your room is clean and organized, you have more space to do things, and your productivity increases. The same goes for your brain. When your mind is cluttered with distractions, your brain’s ability to focus and function efficiently decreases.
Stress, which often comes from our thoughts, is also terrible for brain health.
We have plenty of advice on how to organize physical things in the world, but not many people tell us how to truly clear and rest our minds. Just resting your body doesn’t mean your mind is also at peace. We need a clear method to rest and clean our minds.
Our minds are full of thoughts we’ve gathered over time—memories of conflicts, past failures, worries about the future, and more. These thoughts slow us down and make it hard to take action or think clearly. They prevent our brain from working sharply and intuitively because our thoughts drive our actions.
But when you let go of these negative thoughts, your brain becomes sharper, smarter, and faster. By clearing your mind, your true mind—your original self—can emerge. This true mind holds wisdom and potential. Without the clutter of negative thoughts, you become more intuitive, quick to understand, and able to focus on what really matters.
The wisdom and truth you’re seeking are already inside you. If you want to learn more about how to clear your mind, feel free to explore further


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