Elizabeth C.
God, Buddha, Allah, Heaven, Nirvana, Paradise – these are all different names for the idea that the divine is within us.
People live according to the thoughts and beliefs they carry inside them. With their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and body, they perceive the world and store images of everything that happens to them.
Throughout our lives, we create mental pictures of all our experiences. In a way, we are like cameras capturing everything. These images exist in our minds, but they are not the real world; they are just our perceptions. Because we live according to these false images, we end up dreaming false dreams and doing things in a false world.
Do you believe in God? Most people only have these false images in their minds, which is why the true essence of God, Buddha, Allah, or any divine being does not exist in them.
When God, Heaven, or Paradise exists within a person’s mind, they can truly know God, be born into Heaven, and live there. Only those who have found this divine kingdom while alive can experience eternal life because that kingdom exists within them.
This is why when we eliminate our past experiences, our karma, and even the habits we’ve inherited from our parents, we return to our original state – the source of everything, which is Truth.
When you are reborn from this origin, God, Buddha, or Allah will exist in your mind. You can experience Heaven, Paradise, and the realm of divine beings while you are alive and live there eternally because they are always present in your mind. But if you do not carry this true world in your mind at all times, you will not be able to reach it.
You don’t go to Heaven, Paradise, or the realm of divine beings after your physical body dies. Instead, you must reach these places while you are still alive. God, Buddha, or Allah must always exist within you, and the kingdom of Truth must be within you, too.
Many people cannot reach this true kingdom because they live only inside their own minds, not as saints or righteous people. A person who moves from living falsely to living in Truth, someone who has this true world within them, can be considered a saint or a righteous person.