Meditation Story

If You Could See From Outside the Snow Globe, You Would Know You’re Inside the Snow Globe

Claire L.

We all face challenges when it comes to making the right decisions for our lives. Some decisions are harder than others. Some have a big impact, while others don’t change much at all. I won’t pretend that I’ve always known what to do or say in every situation, and I’m sure that everyone reading this has felt unsure about their decisions at some point.

You might think you have control over your life, but the truth is, we are all dealt a hand of cards, and we play with whatever cards we’ve got. What are we all doing here? Most of us are just trying to keep up. We go to work, we quit jobs or get laid off, we take care of our families or have our families take care of us. We cook meals or go out to eat, clean up, care for pets, celebrate weddings, births, reunions, and anniversaries. We mourn deaths, fight against injustice, or deal with illness. We travel or stay home and watch TV.

Whatever we do, our lives are made up of one event after another, and each event requires decisions. This constant flow of events and decisions fills our minds and makes it hard to see clearly.

So, why is it so difficult to know the “right thing” to do?

Because after years of all this mental clutter, we can’t see ourselves clearly anymore. It’s like we’re living inside a snow globe, trying to survive as the snowflakes swirl around us. And we don’t even realize we’re inside a snow globe because everyone around us is in the same situation!

But when I started practicing this meditation, I noticed some changes. First, I began to see how I was living in this “snow globe.” I became aware of my attachments and judgments every time I made a decision. I could see my thought patterns, which before had been buried in my subconscious. I also used to curse a lot when faced with problems, but I started to appreciate these difficult decisions because they showed me how I was trapped in the snow globe.

As I progressed to higher levels of meditation, making decisions became easier because I could see the bigger picture. I realized that my coworkers, parents, and friends were also stuck in the same snow globe, struggling to make the right choices.

Then one day, after letting go of all the accumulated events in my life, I found my true self. For the first time, I could see myself and the world clearly. I made decisions without doubt because I could accept any situation within this snowy snow globe. It felt like I had found a secret door and stepped outside of the glass, and that was when I realized I had achieved what meditation calls “true freedom and liberation.”

This truly is the greatest gift in the world.

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